Tired of feeling frazzled by money?
I hear you!
This topic used to petrify me, because it petrified my parents. In facet, I was king of doing on with money in my teens, I would save, yet my parents would spend my money for me… and then I got into a pattern, if I didn’t spend my savings they would.
And then on top that my parents separated and my dad stopped financially supporting us, I was advised in my late teens the way to help my family stay afloat was to get into debt to be able to then share it with my mum to keep us afloat. Yeah… sounds sticky right?It was. And this cycle of being in a crippling fear cycle with money… lasted 15 years! I was so scared of knowing where the rent cheque was coming from that I would cry myself to sleep at night, because my self worth was so low, I was taking jobs that barely paid. And then my body started to become very painful around money as it would go into fight or flight mode daily around it, especially around the lack of it or finding it. Yet, fast forward to 2023 when I did just over £26,000 of sales in 4 days for my company. Now if you times that by four.. that could be six figures of sales in 16 days…
You see, no matter where you are right now with your money fears or story, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
I never gave up and instead became super curious at learning other ways to heal old wounds from those who were already smashing it with money and their money blueprint and hygiene. I continue to face my breakthroughs daily to continue to allow more expansion in the area of wealth.
Want to know the energetics I used to enable the changes? I’m ready to share.
It’s time to ignite your money blueprint
In this course you will learn how to disconnect from the money programming that no longer serves you and tap into the innate wisdom of self, that is being blocked, and rewire your energetics tap into the money manifestor field. On this course you will experience 5 shifting steps:
Amygdular programming
Money Mindset Mastery
Nervous System Mastery
Your USP & Sales
Energetics Mastery
These techniques will enable you to find your energetic money blocks and clear then once and for all. Rewire your subconscious programming with un-scary money processes and techniques. Align your vision with your reality and master your nervous system so this BECOMES YOUR REALITY!
It’s time to unleash yourself like never before. Are you ready?
Why me as your Sherpa?
When you are told in your early twenties that you have organ failure, ME and will be bed bound for the rest of you life, you have two choices, accept your new identity imposed, or deny it and go beyond. My body and energy is the most thriving and pain free it has ever been in my life, no one would look at me and think I had been involved in three crashes as the passenger, fallen down the stairs and fractured my spine, slipped down 13 wet, concrete steps, and got up with no fractures, breaks or bleeds, or bruises, and that’s not even covering the family trauma, losses and grief. Practitioners now look at me and my body, and test results and say it does not reflect in the trauma my body has experienced. Why? Because life forced me on to an unexpected, yet destined, path for the past 17 years where I had to become curious and open to all modalities and opportunities possible, or give up. The Western drugs and tests didn’t work, they just made it worse, so I had to believe while in daily excruciating pain and anger that my body had the innate wisdom and answers pills didn’t an free fall into an unknown, alone.
This road has not only lead me to be pain free, heal insanely fast, and energised beyond my wildest dreams, it has opened up beyond to learning so much more. How to clear ancestral trauma, pain patterns and addictions, to activate and mastering my energetic field to ensure all those I come into contact with feel that an integrated higher vibrational frequency, masted nervous system, and state of daily peace, is achievable as your daily norm. And now? I am teaching all I know in this area and supporting others in activating and unearthing their fullest potential via their energy and energetics so we can all make this world a better place.
What’s included:
3 self-study videos
Energetic re programming audio
Worksheets to go deeper into your money blueprint
BONUSES: Just 5 Things Journal
Energetic investment:
ONLY £288 / 2 x £150